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New Instructor Training


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About This Event


This is a web-based training and consists of three, two hour Zoom sessions. Please check with your state coordinator to confirm that Prime For Life Online Trainings will be accepted in lieu of in-person trainings.

Session dates and time below:
June 17, 2021, 9 - 11 AM
June 24, 2021, 9 - 11 AM
July 1, 2021, 9 - 11 AM

Full payment for the training fee must be received prior to the event. An invoice will be sent within 24 hours of registration. Payment must be received 14 days before the event. If payment is not received, you will be removed from the event.

Rescheduling and Late Cancellation Policy:
Participants may cancel their registration up to 14 days prior to the class without penalty. Cancellations must be sent via email to After that mark, late cancellation fees will be subject to a $100 administration fee.

We do not offer credits for no-shows, cancellations, or reschedules made with less than 14 days notice. However, someone may attend in your place without penalty. However, because most of our trainings are sequential in nature, substitutions may not be made after the training has begun. Please email Jo Marie Lammy at with either cancellation requests or questions.

While we make every effort to deliver all classes for which we process and confirm registration, we do reserve the right to cancel or reschedule events at any time due to low enrollment. In the event an event is cancelled by PRI

Where: Zoom
Hours: 24 Hours upon completion of online requirements

Prevention Research Institute meets NAADAC's nationally approved standards of education developed for the alcoholism and drug abuse counseling field. Participants will receive 24 NAADAC approved hours for this event. It is the participant's responsibility to establish whether NAADAC hours earned in PRI events fulfill credentialing requirements of affiliated agencies.

Learners will earn the designated credits/hours upon successfully completing the training and will receive their certificate after all requirements are completed (including event evaluation). Note, participants associated with accounts that have past-due invoices will not receive certificates until balances are paid. It is the participant's responsibility to establish whether hours earned in PRI events fulfill credentialing requirements of affiliated agencies.

Full attendance and participation in the Prime For Life new instructor training is required to deliver Prime For Life. This includes participation in group practice teaching experiences with supportive peer and trainer feedback. Training is learning intensive so many participants find it helpful to set aside some time each evening for study and preparation for practice teaching. Previously trained instructors may attend a new instructor training as a refresher when space allows. Except for those attending as a refresher, all participants must attend the entire training to qualify for certification.

NOTICE for learners who work in a system for which there is State Coordination Office involvement: Depending on the specific state system, your State Coordination Office may receive notification of your participation in the training and whether or not you successfully complete the training. In addition, your State Coordination Office may receive notification once you successfully obtain certification to teach Prime For Life.

After Training Requirements for instructors:
This is a blended learning training with three live Zoom sessions AND activities done independently, following the completion of the in-person portion. Specifically, new instructors must complete guided learning activities in the Prime For Life Computer Application e-manual and submit an audio tape for coaching and feedback AFTER the training. To be certified, instructors must complete all required activities including full attendance of each Zoom session, participation in group practice teaching experiences and completion of a brief posttest. Training is learning intensive so many participants find it helpful to set aside some time on the first evening for study and preparation for practice teaching. After the training, instructors will view PFL videos in the e-manual, answer questions based on the videos, submit a 40-minute portion of a PFL group he or she leads (co-leads), and receive a 45-minute coaching session from PRI staff. All new instructors must attend the entire training (three Zoom sessions) and complete the after training requirements for instructors to qualify for certification and to receive continuing education credit.

Refreshers will need to complete the online requirements to receive a certificate.

Please note: Attending the same learning event (same version) more than once, even as a "refresher", does not meet the credentialing criteria Prevention Research Institute must follow to award hours. This does not mean that you cannot attend any NIT, PS, or CE session more than once; it simply means that doing so will serve as a personal learning opportunity only (no hours will be awarded the second time).




Event Documents
