About This Event
All sessions are live-hosted, screen-to-screen 2 hour with a PRI Trainer. All sessions will be presented via Zoom. PRI is unable to award hours for sessions previously attended.
Please note that participants are responsible for ensuring online PRI sessions and the number of hours earned fulfill your system's requirements. Credentialing requirements for online sessions stipulate all participants must (1) individually register, and (2) log into the online session on their own device to received credit/hours for attending. Learners who participate in an online session via shared login will not receive a certificate. Learners are also required to attend sessions in full for credit hours to be awarded. Participants will receive a survey email after the session and will receive a certificate once the survey has been submitted. The link to the surveys is also available on the instructor site under "My Trainings." Note, participants must attend the entire session.
PRI supports low-risk driving choices. Therefore, we will remove anyone who is driving on a Zoom call hosted by our team. So as to not further distract, we will not chat or verbally ask questions first. You'll be able to join a different Zoom session, from a stationary place, at a later date.
Session Dates (participants must attend all sessions):
July 16, 2025
July 30, 2025
August 13, 2025
August 27, 2025
September 10, 2025
Session Times:
2:00 - 4:00 PM Eastern Time
*All listed times are Eastern Time. Click the link below to convert to your time zone:
Training Fee: $600 for general participants, $495 for Military and Approved Georgia DBHDD providers. Payment due at the time of registration.
Description: Online Level II Training is a blended learning approach designed to broaden and deepen skills and confidence in using PRIME Solutions. The training is open to counselors who have successfully completed PRIME Solutions Level I Training. The training focus will be a dynamic blend of brief didactics, skill practice, and participant discussion. Participants are required to complete preparatory reading in the weeks prior to training. There is a follow-up session required for completion. Each training participant will complete an individual coaching and feedback session with a Prime Solutions Coach following the training series.
Section Content: There are four sections to this training and each section is built around a theme. The current themes are:
- Section 1: Refining Listening Skills and Engaging Clients in the Session
- Section 2: Working with Change Talk and: Shaping Conversations
- Section 3: Managing Tools and Activities
- Section 4: Defusing Dissent
Trainers will use Building Motivational Interviewing Skills: A Practitioner Workbook (2nd Edition). Participants will complete reading and activities in this text, as well as tasks using the Prime Solutions online manual (e.g., reviewing videos, reading preparation material). Available to order HERE.
Overall Goals:
- Enhance counselor confidence in using the on-line manual as a preparation resource
- Increase counselor skill in using basic MI skills to elicit change talk, defuse dissent and facilitate groups
- Build skills in effectively facilitating Solutions groups
- Enhance knowledge of the Prime Solutions program
Overall Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this section participants will be able to:
- Demonstrate the ability to use positive emotions to open a group successfully
- Demonstrate the ability to introduce a session topic
- Describe three techniques that help make groups successful
- Explain three personal areas of strength in using PS and MI skills
- State where they stand in relationship to standards for Solutions on the Moving ForWarD rating system
- Describe three specific areas for continued development of individual MI skills

Michelle Stephen Seigel
PRI Trainer
Michelle pilots programs and planes, traveling widely for work and for fun. She’s great at offering support and advice to instructors because she has done it all!
Email Me